The old crowd favourite, Ginger Beer, has made a serious come back of late. With this classic becoming more trendy amongst drinkers and brewers we have been experimenting to take our Ginger Beer to a whole new level of deliciousness! Over the past few months we have brewed a Spiced Whisky Ginger Beer, a Dark Spiced Rum Ginger Beer (inspired by our Dark & Stormy drinkers) & now a Ginger Beer with lime.
The refreshing flavours of lime wedges are often served with Ginger Beer to complement and enhance the beverage, so we thought – “Why not add lime to our next Ginger Beer brew!”. Our Queensland weather was throwing us some pretty hot days, and with no room to temperature control, we decided to brew with the Kveik Yeast. Kveik Yeast imparts subtle citrus fruit flavours so was an ideal yeast for the job. This recipe is fresh, delicious and can be brewed without a worry about temperature.
Crafted Taste Ginger Beer Blend x 1
Kveik Yeast x 1
Spirits Unlimited Lime Fruit Vodka x 1
HOW TO BREW Ginger Beer with Lime
MIX: Pour 2 litres of water into sanitised fermenter and add the contents of the Morgan’s Ginger Beer and Crafted Taste Ginger Beer Blend. Stir contents to dissolve and add cold water to bring the contents up to 20 litres. Use a hydrometer to record the Original Gravity. Pitch the Kveik Yeast when the brew is between 20-40˚C (ideally 30-40˚C).
FERMENTING: Seal the fermenter with lid and airlock. Ferment at a constant temperature until the specific gravity reaches 1.010 (FG) or below. Ideal fermentation temperature is between 30C -40˚C.
2 days out from bottling/kegging open the fermenter lid and add the Spirits Unlimited Lime Fruit Vodka to the fermenter. Leave these in the fermenter no more than 2 days. We typically brew out Ginger Beer for 2-4 weeks.
BOTTLING: Gently fill clean and sanitised PET bottles to about 3cm from the top. Add carbonation drops at the rate of 1 per 330ml/375ml bottle and 2 per 740ml/750ml bottle. Sugar or dextrose may be used at the rate of 8g per litre (approximately 6g of sugar to a level metric teaspoon). Then secure the caps.
MATURING: Allow Bottles to stand at a temperature between 22˚C and 30˚C for 5 days to allow the beer to carbonate. Allow another 10 days at room temperature to fully mature. The finished beer will continue to improve with further ageing.
We look forward to hearing what you think of our Ginger Beer with Lime recipe. Have another idea for a Ginger Beer recipe? Share it with us!